
The magic that comes from the land is our inspiration.

With source 100% Natural, we found in the Jute fiber, the main raw material for the production of the our ribbon and decorative screens, creating a bond with the nature.

The Jute (Corchorus Capsularis) Is a vegetable textile fiber that comes from the “Tiliceas” Family. This woody weed can alcance 3 to 4 meters height and your stalk have approximate 20 milimeters, growing in humid and tropical weather.
The plants flourish 4 and 5 months after sown and immediately the harvest.
The userful fiber is contained between the bark and the inside stalk and the extraction is made by the maceration process. The cutted trees close through sickless, are cleaned from the leaves, putted in bundles inside running or standing water.
The high temperature of the regions in which is cultivated favors fermentation in this way one gets the maceration in 8 to 10 days, allowing easier extract the plant’s bark and separation of the fiber of woody part of the stalk. Rinses and Packages.

The best quality of jute, distinguish by robustness of the fibers and for the white color and bright of the stalk;
The bottom qualitys distinguished by the stalks color, that’s much darker, or the short leigth fiber, with the grayish color, have less resistence.
The leigth of the Jute’s elementary cells is average 0,80 milimeters, and the diameter varies about 0,01 and 0,03 milimeters.

Analyzing the Jute fiber we have:

Jute’s Chemistry composition and another fibers (%)

FiberCellulose HemicelluloseLignin Pectin Water/Soluble Fat & Greases
Hemp 77,510,16,82,91,80,9
Ramie 76,68,05,63,85,60,4

Given the centesimal proportion of the organic substances of Jute we have:



How we can see by the analyse about Jute, the main component is the cellulose, under the form of lignin cellulose. The Jute have a good affinity for direct dyes and basic dyes too. Is so Hygroscopic, regulating the humidity in 12%, what makes it the ideal raw material for the sack, avoiding the dryness and fermentation of package product.

It’s a easy culture, accompanied of a laborious maceration and of poor yield, without the pesticides and fertilizers use.

Introduced in Brazil by Riyota Oyama, the culture was made initially for japoneses, becoming after one of the principal economic activity of population at Ribeirinhos in Amazon region, being a fundamental factor fixation of more of 50 thousands families by camp.

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